Staff and Leadership

Please find below an introduction to our church leaders and staff members.

Brace yourself...
Paulette Stubbings 200125-005    
Paulette Stubbings - Vicar  
Paulette came to be our Vicar in October 2018. She has lived in Kent for most of her life and Whitstable for the past sixteen years - previously she was the Curate for 3 parishes near Faversham. She is married to Tim, a commercial photographer and they have two daughters.

She loves to help people of all ages find a way to talk about God, to realise just how much they are loved and to live life to the full in the knowledge of that. At her most relaxed when sitting or walking on a shingle beach (handy), she also loves music of most kinds, film, and all sorts of creativity.

Alison   Chris
Alison Fuller - Church Warden   Chris Skingley - Pastor to the Third Age
Alison has been attending St. Alphege Seasalter for a number of years.  She is Whitstable born and bred, has lived in the town all her life and also works locally. 

With a keen interest in music, Alison can play the recorder, guitar and clarinet and enjoys singing.  She lives with her cute and very spoilt Yorkshire Terrier Suzy,  a budgie called Sunny and three tortoises.
Chris has recently taken up the role of Pastor to the Third Age, that’s helping people who are at the higher end of the age spectrum.
Born and bred in Essex, he says that Kent has a calming effect on him. He loves walking through and enjoying the Kent countryside. He enjoys watching ‘Bake Off and likes cooking, although he’s not into the exotic cakes and bakes.
Hannah Rogers photo edit   Caroline Wiles - copped
Hannah Rogers - Youth Minister   Caroline Wiles - SCC Administrator
Hannah is new to our staff team though she is not new to working with young people. She has been involved in working alongside young people for over a decade. Hannah has a real heart and passion for seeing the next generation, connect and thrive within the faith, giving them a variety of opportunities to see what God has planned for them in this rapidly changing world. 
Hannah has a passion for sports especially football as she used to play semi-professional football before God called her into full time ministry. She also likes baking and going on adventures to explore new places.
The District Church Council (DCC)
  The Parochial Church Council (PCC)
The DCC is made up of 19 people who have been nominated and then voted in by members of the church at our Annual Meeting. Anyone who is a member of the church can be nominated to serve on the DCC. The DCC has a legal liability and is responsible for overseeing the practical and business aspects of running a church, such as building and finances, as well as being a forum for ideas and inspiration for the direction of the church.
The DCC meets every two months and always starts the meetings with prayer and worship. We are a praying church – and not just on Sundays! Any decision made and agreed by the DCC had been carefully discussed and thoroughly prayed about. 
  St Alphege, Seasalter is part of the Whitstable Team of Anglican churches and the PCC is the legal body which holds the Team together.

It meets quarterly and discusses overall strategy and co-ordination between the churches. However all the churches day-to-day management and responsibility for such issues as finance and buildings is in the hands of the the DCC.
The Ministry Leadership Team (MLT)
The MLT meets every month to pray and reflect on the things that are happening in our church at Seasalter. The Team is currently; Alison Fuller, David and Lynda Kemp, Hannah Rogers and Paulette Stubbings. The Team eat together, share together and pray together. All 3 are pretty crucial!
The MLT tries to discern what God might be saying to St Alphege Seasalter and what that might mean for how we ‘do’ church together. It’s not there to make formal decisions– that’s what the DCC does – but it is there to help the DCC by focusing prayerfully on issues we think we should be grappling with together, always asking God to show us what He has for us next, and how He wants us to get there. 

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