Reverse Advent

For quite a few years now, as a church we have been collecting in items to make up hampers for those who live in our community and who are having a difficult time financially. We want to bless them and show God’s love.
The way the Reverse Advent works is that as we are counting down to Christmas we put aside items that are then collected in, sorted and given as hampers. We can look out for 3 for 2 items and donate the free one, items that reduced (but still in date till the new year) or just pick up a few bits when we go shopping for ourselves. All items must be non-perishable, alcohol free, new and in date please! Once the items are collected in we will sort them in to hampers. Last year we also partnered with The Haven Project and supplied 10 bags for homeless people in the town.
Essential items that we can collect are:
Tinned fruit/veg/meat (inc some with ring pulls for the homeless)
Breakfast cereal
Jars of sauces/jams
Pasta, rice, lentils etc
Toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorants, shower gel, shampoo etc)
Gloves, hat, socks, torches with batteries, hair brush/comb are particularly useful for the homeless.
We also like to add in some treat items such as:
Chocolate bars and sweets
Christmas specific items such as Christmas cakes/puddings, mince pies etc
Gifts such as (new) toys, books etc. (please remember teenagers and young adults as well as the children and adults)
All these items can be left with Becky in the church and must be in by the end of the service on Sunday 18th December please? If you have any medium to large boxes too that would be great!
If getting to the shops is difficult or you’re not sure what to buy and would rather give a monetary donation so that we can purchase some things on your behalf please speak to me.