Closer to Home donation
See how one of our partner projects have been blessed by our giving.
Recently, through our Closer to Home initiative, we donated £5,000 to the Education for the Children's school in Guatemala, which enabled them to purchase new desks, tables and chairs.
They were able to get 54 desks and chairs for Grades 3A and 3B as well as 27 desks and chairs in a middle school classroom. As they were buying in bulk they were able to buy an additional 12 sets with the money too.
Lizzie Wright, Fundraising Manager for EFTC, said this in her thank you message, "We want our kids to take pride in their school and we know that a better learning environment improves lesson engagement - so please pass on a ridiculously huge thanks to everyone at St Alphege for donating £5,000 to this particular project, we will be eternally grateful!"
Here are some photos of the classrooms with the new furniture.