Renew and Restore - May 2017 Update

The legal stuff
The City Council has granted “civil” planning permission for the construction of the new outbuilding in the churchyard. “Church” planning permission (the faculty) for the work on the Old Church building itself has been applied for and is awaited.
The money
God is good! Through the generosity of the church family the Gift Day raised over £60,000 in cash and pledges which means that there is now £170,000 available to start the work. Another £80,000 is still needed. Applications are being made to various charitable bodies for grants - and any further gifts from the church family will gratefully be received.
The timetable
The Church Council has decided that we should go ahead with the work to renew and restore the Old Church building and to construct the shell of the outbuilding. It is hoped that the work can begin in July and be finished before the winter. The remainder of the project, including the fitting out of the out-building and the renovations of the churchyard paths, will have to wait until further funds are available. But the heart of the project, the renewal and restoration of the Old Church can go ahead.
Thank you to all for your support and prayers.